Ventr’ du son

Ventr’ du son


Vah(n) du soh(n),
Eh-stoh-mah(d) plohm,
Coo deh-rah(n),
Mah(n)-toh(n) for-shu.
Boosh dahr-zhah(n),
Nay kah(n)-kah(n),
Zhoo roh-tee,
Zhoo boo-yee,
Tee teuhg,
Groh steuhg,
Soor-see-yoh(n) ay soor-see-yeht,
Pee cohwee(n), cohwee(n), coh-wee(n) lah bah-yeht, -yeht, -yeht.



(En Français)

Ventr’ de son,
Estomac d’ plomb,
Cou d’héron,
Menton fourchu,
Bouche d’argent,
Nez cancan,
Joue rôtie,
joue bouillie,
P’tit œil,
gros t’œil,
Sourcillon et sourcillette,
Pis cogne, cogne, cogne la bayette – yette, yette.


Shrunken Belly

Shrunken belly,
Cast-iron stomach.
Heron-like neck,
Split chin,
Duck-beak nose,
Roasted cheek,
Boiled cheek,
Little eye,
Big eye,
Eye-brow one and eye-brow two,
And tock, tock, tock on your noggin, -gin, -gin.